This article contains answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about [Basic Settings], [Advanced Configurations] and [Pricing-Related].

1. [Basic Settings]

Basic Settings Answers
How can I set up my Soulmask server?/ How can my friends connect to my server on ClawCloud?

There are three ways to connect servers.
One, you can refresh Soulmask's server connect list and find your sever.「Server Name」is listed under server details after you have purchased. 

Two, you can search by「Invitation Code」and connect. 「Invitation Code」is listed under server details after you have purchased. 

Three, you can click 「connect to the server directly」and input「ip」,「port」and 「password」(if there is a password). You can find those in server details after you have purchased.

How's ClawCloud lagging performance on Soulmask private server? We ensure global players the best gaming experience by placing servers in different locations. If you want the least lagging, the best server location is one that is nearest to you and your friends. For example, if you play Soulmask in New York, we highly recommend you to choose 「US East (N.Virginia)」servers.
What kind of customer support does ClawCloud provide? Currently we offer two kinds of support. You can either submit a support ticket or join our discord. Then we have tech specialists to address your concerns.
Do I need to buy a new server when the game releases major updates? No. ClawCloud covers major updates for each game, so you do not need to purchase additional servers unless you would like to play another game. 
Do I need a good PC for playing Soulmask?

According to Soulmask's official system requirement guidelines, here's what you need for playing Soulmask.


2. [Advanced Configurations]

Advanced Configurations Answers
How do I become admin on ClawCloud Soulmask server?

Press 「~」above「Tab」on your keyboard within the game, inputting 「GM Key xxxxx」.

You can find your「GM Key」in your ClawCloud's server details.

Then you can see the console within the game. Inputting your 「gm key」again and click become an admin. Then you can change coefficient within the game.

How do I add mods to a game? Soulmask itself does not provide such feature in their early access version. Therefore, ClawCloud will not provide such feature in short term.


3. 「Pricing-related」

Pricing-related Answers
What are ClawCloud's pricing plans? We have multiple pricing plans. We offer 1/3/6 months plan, each can select different slots. 
How do I choose the best server plan? It depends on how many people and how long you predict to play in your server. 
What is ClawCloud's renewal price? Our renewal price is the same as our first purchase price. For example, if you have purchased for a 1 month plan (at the price of $13.99) and then you would like to purchase for second month, with the same region and slots, you will have to pay another $13.99.
If I choose a plan, will I be charged for extra money after I played the game? You won't be charged for extra money in one pricing plan. What you have paid is fixed. 
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